Joana Figueiredo
Joana Figueiredo is graduated in Biomedical Engineering in the Medical Electronics Branch. She received Doctoral degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2019 and the master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2015, both at the University of Minho, Portugal, and in cooperation with the Neural Rehabilitation Group from Cajal Institute, CSIC, Spain. Currently, she is a Ph.D. researcher in the SmartOs project (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030386) at Center for MicroElectroMechanical Systems (CMEMS) and invited Assistant Professor at the University of Minho.
Her Ph.D. research played an important role in the development of the SmartOs project and in actively specifying two accepted grant proposals for R&D projects. Moreover, she supervised the scientific and technological work of 11 master students from different fields of engineering. She is author of 2 publications in the top scientific journals of the motor rehabilitation field (Q1 and Q2 journals with an impact factor of 3.49 and 1.79, respectively) and 23 in the ISI/Scopus conferences. These publications have been collecting a high number of citations (her h index is 5 and 4 according to Google citations and Scopus, respectively) and received awards.
Her research interests focus on wearable assistive devices (active orthoses, exoskeletons, functional electrical stimulation) and motor control strategies towards personalized gait rehabilitation and assistance. Additionally, her research covers the development of AI strategies to analyse and predict human motion and human-robot interaction.
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Nuno Ribeiro
Nuno Ribeiro earned his Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Minho (UM) in September 2017, in collaboration with BiRD Lab and ORTHOSXXI. He began his PhD in March 2018 at BiRD Lab/CMEMS/LTI-MIT with an FCT-MIT Portugal scholarship (PD/BD/141515/2018), focusing on the development of robotic assistive devices and fall prevention/prediction strategies for older adults.
During his PhD, he collaborated with 11 institutions for data collection, published 8 journal papers and 7 conference papers, supervised 16 MSc theses, and contributed to 2 R&D proposals. He received the SpinUM 2023 award and designed clinical protocols approved by CEICVS (063/2021).
He completed his PhD in December 2022 and was awarded the 2023 Best National PhD Thesis in Robotics by the Portuguese Society of Robotics. Since January 2023, he has been a junior researcher at UM, coordinating tasks in the SmartOs project and serving as the PI of INSPIRE (2023.13876.PEX), while also being involved in INTEGRATOR (2022.15668.MIT) and FAIR (2022.05844.PTDC). He collaborates with ORTHOSXXI and WIP on a P2030 industry project.
Currently, he is an invited assistant professor at UM and a reviewer/editor for scientific journals in assistive robotics and AI.